It has been an eventful week for Apple. On Tuesday, Tim Cook had his first product launch as CEO with the iPhone 4S. The iPhone 4S evoked mixed reviews from the public. Many were hoping for the release of the iPhone 5 and were disappointed that the latest iPhone still featured the number 4. While there is no iPhone 5 (yet), a new voice activated personal assistant named Siri did make her debut.
Here comes the sad news. On Wednesday, Steve Jobs passed away. The longtime CEO of Apple lost his battle with pancreatic cancer. The world is abuzz with Steve Jobs tributes, videos and quotes. Jobs was an innovator who had his hand in game-changing products and captivating marketing campaigns. So what does the future hold for Apple?
And the winner is . . .
Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google. Four powerful companies. They may have taken four different paths to get where they are today, but they are headed in the same direction. How will they fare when they go head to head?
An article from highlights what they call “The Great Tech War of 2012.” One thing is certain- each of these companies will need vision and flexibility to hold on to their corner of the market. The way we communicate is constantly changing and these companies will have to anticipate and reflect that change. So who do you think will come out on top?