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StarStar Me – Forget About 10-digit Mobile Numbers
The app serves more purposes than that, however, allowing you to manage incoming calls. If you’re unavailable, the app lets you choose to send callers an audio or text message letting them know you’ll return their call. You can also send out your contact info – including other numbers, website URLs, or links to your social media accounts – if you so desire. StarStar Me also allows you to block certain numbers.
StarStar numers work in tandem with your existing 10-digit mobile number – you don’t forfeit your current mobile number. That way your mom can still call your cell number, but your friends can call **BARTMAN or whatever you’ve picked for your StarStar number. When choosing a StarStar number, here are the parameters: The number must be at least 5 characters long with a max length of 9 characters. The number length does not include the ** characters at the beginning of the numbers. So hurry up and swipe **PhilsPhan if it’s still up for grabs.
StarStar Me isn’t available universally yet. It’s currently on the Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon networks, and will be available on other major carriers in the near future. Calls within the U.S. from Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon, and AT&T are currently supported, but calls from landlines, roaming calls, and calls from other mobile carriers are not at the moment. Sprint subscribers can have two StarStar numbers per mobile phone number, while T-Mobile and Verizon subscribers can get up to three. A recurring monthly fee is charged for each StarStar number.
The app is available for iPhone and Android. Callers using other mobile devices can reach you via your StarStar Me number, as long as they are on the carriers previously listed. SMS message cannot be sent to your StarStar number.
How to get it: iPhone and Android users on most mobile carriers can now sign up for StarStar Me service.iPhone and Android users can call **ME (**63) on their mobile phone to download the free StarStar Me app to get their StarStar number. Sprint customers can also sign up here, T-Mobile customers can sign here, Verizon customers can sign up here. Alternatively, users can downloading the app from Google Play (Android) or the Apple App Store (iPhone).
Check out more info at their website.