Monthly Archives: January 2010

Word of the Week: Beta

The term beta refers to an accelerated testing stage for a new technology (this could be software or hardware). When a product is in its beta stage, developers typically select a few outside users to try the product and report any bugs or functionality issues they encounter while using it. Developers take user suggestions into consideration […]
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Word of the Week: URL

Abbreviations can be tricky. We come in contact with them constantly; but, it is difficult to keep a firm grasp on what they all stand for. Take URL as an example.  The term could mean anything, really. Maybe it stands for Ugly Rotten Lizards or the Uptight Robot League. In actuality, this particular acronym stands […]
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New Website Launch:

Orbis has recently teamed up with The Mixx to modify the website for V.A.L. Floors, which features an updated design and dynamic new interface. For years, the craftsmen at V.A.L. have sought to provide customers with first-class new floor arrangements and technologies that will surely appeal to any taste. Be sure to check out their […]
Posted in Web Design, Website Launch Tagged

New Website Launch:

Orbis Solutions has teamed up with The Mixx to launch a refreshed site for Listone Giordano, an accomplished team of experts who specialize in bringing the finest wood floors and walls to your home. They take an immense amount of pride in their business, as well as their ability to cater to the individual tastes of their […]
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What Mr. Twitter has to Offer Small Business

Jack Dorsey, chairman of the social networking phenomenon Twitter, is trying to make it easier for small businesses to take a big step into the digital age in 2010. In the past, making payments using a credit card has been easy, but receiving credit card payments has been decidedly more difficult. Dorsey has set out […]
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Top 5 Tools to Help Budget Your Money After the Holidays

Sure, an Excel spreadsheet can get the job done – but it’s 2010 now, and you can do better. – Mint is a free online money management tool that is quickly gaining recognition as one of the best ways to keep track of your finances. With a security statement that will settle the nerves […]
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Technology Spotlight: Wine Kiosks

The great state of Pennsylvania has given amateur winos something to look forward to in 2010. The PLCB has slightly loosened its tight grip on alcohol sales within the state by agreeing to set up about 100 wine kiosks in grocery stores throughout Pennsylvania. These kiosks will essentially operate like high-tech vending machines, which will […]
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Word of the Month: Firewall

In short, a firewall is software installed on your computer to help protect your system from potentially dangerous outside influences. There are two types of firewall software. On a larger scale, firewall technology is used to keep hackers and other unauthorized users from breaching internal networks by monitoring the people who access the system. Essentially, […]
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