Category Archives: General

Yo-Pro Kick-Off Happy Hour

Yo-Pro is a new organization comprised of young professionals working within the Philadelphia Wholesale Produce Market. Our objective is to build lasting relationships, make the Market a more appealing place to work, and develop suggestions for future improvements. We’ll be hosting a Happy Hour this Thursday, November 19th from 5-7pm at Irish Times, on the […]
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Produce Markets Wager on World Series

PHILADELPHIA - October 28, 2009 (WPVI) -- With all of the wagers being placed as the Phillies face the Yankees in the World Series, there's at least one bet that will benefit the community. Check out the video from 6abc news! [...]
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Welcome to the New!

We are pleased to introduce the new! Our site has many new features including this blog, which will be updated regularly so check back often. Feel free to leave your comments on any of the posts you see here — we look forward to hearing from you.
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Congratulations to the Phillies

Orbis would like to congratulate the Philadelphia Phillies on their World Series victory – let’s try it again next year!
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Avoiding common online errors

Click here for a useful article on 7 common online mistakes, and how to avoid them. Contact Orbis today to update your virus protection.
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Use the web to manage the gas crunch

With the U.S. national average gas price up to $4 a gallon and climbing, here are a few helpful user-submitted websites to check regularly: These sites make it easy to monitor which stations have the best prices in your area. Updates are made frequently, so check as often as you like. Do keep […]
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Local produce guides

Since it’s often difficult to remember what produce is in season in your area throughout the year, two websites have made it easier to find out. Both the National Resources Defense Council and recipe website Epicurious feature easy to use guides on what is “good right now” in local markets, broken down by state. With […]
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