Monthly Archives: December 2009

Sunglasses & Trench Coats: Your Guide to the New Facebook Privacy Settings

In a thinly veiled attempt to compete with high traffic sites like Twitter, Facebook’s new privacy settings have upset some of its more clandestine users. The problem is this: these new modifications may put you at risk of publically publishing more information than you had originally intended. But don’t let this ruin your day. A […]
Posted in How to's, Tech News

Top 5 Electronic Gift Ideas

Panasonic Z1 HDTV For those of you looking to spend big this holiday season, the Panasonic Z1 HDTV is one of the best reviewed HDTVs on the market. A 54 inch screen with only 1 inch depth, this model currently stands as the crown of what can be achieved by flat screen technology. Besides providing […]
Posted in General

Technology Spotlight: Philadelphia Recycling Rewards

With the new Philadelphia Recycling Rewards program, recycling truly does pay- and not just for the city, but for residents as well. Beginning in 2010, the program will name Philadelphia as the largest U.S. city to offer such an incentive, and put it one step closer to its goal of becoming the Greenest City in America.
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Word of the Month: Wiki

A wiki is a website that allows users to easily create interconnected web pages. Perhaps the most famous is, a free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit. While this open philosophy can allow erroneous information to appear, typically the user community is able to police itself and quickly make corrections. “Wiki” is a Hawaiian […]
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